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运行应用程序 - Sublime Text

从命令面板运行任何自定义应用程序。只需Ctrl/Command+Shift+P,输入运行: XXX,就这么简单!




  • 安装 Sublime Package Control
  • 从命令面板选择“软件包控制:安装软件包”(super/ctrl+shift+p)
  • 查找“运行应用程序”并选择

Git克隆 * 通过在Sublime Text的“首选项”中“浏览包…”输入目录 * 运行

git clone https://github.com/liuhewei/run-app-sublime.git




        "caption": "Run: Git",  // Run: <App-name>, shown in command pallete
        "command": "runapp",    // cannot be changed
          // application full path on Win/Linux, or only name on MAC
          "app": "",

          // argument list
          // variables can be use: $DIR$, $FILE$, $PROJ$
          "args": [""],

          // optional: define what should follow the command
          // default is None
          // "dir" - file directory, same as $DIR$
          // "file" - file name, same as $FILE$
          // "proj" - project directory, same as $PROJ$
          "type": "",

          // optional: command line application or not
          // default is false
          "cli": true

          // optional: send in selected text as input or not
          // default is false
          "input": true

以“Git bash for Windows”为例,说明GUI应用程序,原始命令为

C:/Windows/system32/wscript "D:/Tools/Git/Git Bash.vbs" <directory>

        "caption": "Run: Git",
        "command": "runapp",
          "app": "C:\\Windows\\system32\\wscript",
          "args": ["D:\\Tools\\Git\\Git Bash.vbs"],
          "type": "proj"

以“git status .”为例,说明CLI应用程序,原始命令为

D:\Tools\Git\mingw64\bin\git.exe status . 在当前文件的目录下。

    "caption": "Run: Git-status",
    "command": "runapp",
      "app": "D:\\Tools\\Git\\mingw64\\bin\\git.exe",
      "args": ["status", "."],
      "type": "dir",
      "cli": true

以“go doc ”为例,说明具有输入的CLI应用程序,原始命令为

D:\Tools\Go\bin\go.exe doc fmt.Println 在所选文本 fmt.Println 下。

    "caption": "Run: Godoc",
    "command": "runapp",
      "app": "D:\\Tools\\Go\\bin\\go.exe",
      "args": ["doc"],
      "input": true,
      "cli": true