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Sublime Text软件包,可把CSV数据转换成其他格式


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Sublime Text软件包可以将csv文件转换为其他各种格式。它改编了Mr. Data Converter的奇妙功能。

安装后,您将在命令面板中看到像数据转换器:转换为 foo 这样的命令。数据转换器将转换所选内容或多个所选内容。如果没有选择任何内容,则整个文档将被转换。



Alice,10,Apple,"Sep. 12, 2016"
Bob,11,Blueberry,"Sep. 13, 2016"
Chris,12,Orange,"Sep. 14, 2016"


[{"name"=>"Alice", "value"=>10, "fruit"=>"Apple", "date"=>"Sep. 12, 2016"},
{"name"=>"Bob", "value"=>11, "fruit"=>"Blueberry", "date"=>"Sep. 13, 2016"},
{"name"=>"Chris", "value"=>12, "fruit"=>"Orange", "date"=>"Sep. 14, 2016"}];


  {"fruit": "Apple", "name": "Alice", "value": "10", "date": "Sep. 12, 2016"},
  {"fruit": "Blueberry", "name": "Bob", "value": "11", "date": "Sep. 13, 2016"},
  {"fruit": "Orange", "name": "Chris", "value": "12", "date": "Sep. 14, 2016"}


  • ActionScript
  • ASP
  • HTML表格
  • Gherkin
  • JIRA (Atlassian Confluence)
  • JSON
  • JSON(列数组)
  • JSON(行数组)
  • JSON(对象,第一列是键)
  • Javascript对象
  • Markdown(Github风格)
  • Perl
  • PHP(两种格式)
  • Python(字典列表)
  • Python(列表列表)
  • Ruby
  • SQL(Postgres、MySQL和SQLite)
  • 文本表
  • Wiki标记
  • XML
  • XML(属性列表)
  • 数据驱动Adobe Illustrator的XML
  • YAML



带有Package Control

如果您已安装Package Control,则可以从Sublime Text内部安装数据转换器。打开命令面板并输入“Package Control: Install Package”,然后搜索数据转换器

不带Package Control

将代码库克隆到您的Sublime Text软件包目录中

git clone git://github.com/fitnr/SublimeDataConverter.git

不带Package Control或Git

点击上面的下载ZIP以下载该软件包。解压缩它,将文件夹重命名为“数据转换器”并将其移动到您的Sublime Text 2软件包目录中(在应用菜单中偏好设置 > 浏览软件包)。


在Package的Sublime Text 2版本中,不支持包含Unicode字符的CSV文件。这是由于Python 2.6的csv模块的限制造成的。该包的Sublime Text 3版本全面支持Unicode。






DataConverter会从您的设置文件中读取以下选项(首选项 > 包设置 > DataConverter > 设置 - 用户)。


可能的值: "sniff"truefalse。 “headers”: “sniff”

When true, the first row is always treated as the header row. When "sniff", DataConverter will sniff for headers (sniffing isn't perfect). When false, DataConverter will assume there are no headers, and use default headers (`[val1, val2, ...]`).

#### dialects

“dialects”: { “example”: { “delimiter”: “,”, “quotechar”: “\”“, "escapechar": “\”, “doublequote": false, “skipinitialspace": false, “strict": false, “quoting": “QUOTE_MINIMAL” }}

Defines a dialect for the CSV reader. Check the python docs for a [description of how to define a dialect](https://docs.pythonlang.cn/3.3/library/csv.html#dialects-and-formatting-parameters).

DataConverter will try to detect a dialect, but it may fail. Define a dialect with this setting and then tell DataConverter to use it with the `use_dialect` option.

Note that Python's csv reader is hard-coded to recognise either '\r' or '\n' as end-of-line, and ignores lineterminator.

#### use_dialect

“use_dialect”: “example”

Mandate a dialect for DataConverter to use. Could be a dialect defined in your settings file, or one defined in the csv module ("excel", "excel_tab", "unix_dialect"). This may be useful for specifying custom commands in a `.sublime-commands` file.

#### html_utf8

“html_utf8”: true

Modern HTML served with a proper character encoding can accept UTF-8 characters. If you're using another charset for your html, set this to `false`. When `false`, the 'DataConverter: to HTML Table' function will escape non-ascii characters (e.g. `–` for –). (XML is always returned with escaped characters.)

#### delimiter

“delimiter”: “,”

DataConverter will try to detect the delimiter used in your data. If it has a problem, it will fall back on this value. This must be one character long. Use `"\t"` for tab.

#### header_joiner

“header_joiner”: “”

For formats where keys can't have spaces, field names will be joined with this character. By default, an underscore is used, e.g. 'Col Name' becomes 'Col_Name'. An empty string is OK.

#### deselect_after

“deselect_after”: false

If `true`: after converting, deselects and moves the pointer to the top. If `false`: leaves selection(s) in place

#### default_variable

“default_variable”: “DataConverter”

For some conversions (SQL, ASP), DataConverter must name the table or array being created. By default, it's called 'DataConverter', any string value is accepted.